About Us

Chris­tine Far­rell and Sean Kings­ley met in 1999 because of the Collins Gallery tour­ing exhi­bi­tion “The Plate Show”, where ceramists and non-ceramists were invit­ed to make plates. Being an illus­tra­tor, Chris­tine was one of many design­ers, crafts­peo­ple and artists across the coun­try who sought tech­ni­cal exper­tise from help­ful ceramists. She found her way to Sean, the ceram­ics tech­ni­cian at Dun­can of Jor­dan­stone Col­lege of Art and Design.

Since then they have worked on many pots togeth­er, includ­ing the major project called Made From Fife.

Sources of Inspiration

We are also influenced by our teaching work at the University of Dundee. Sean runs the Ceramics Studio at DJCAD, encouraging the next generations of clay enthusiasts. Our own enthusiasm for pottery and for making things has meant we have met many interesting people through our farmers markets, museum visits, pottery visits and digital networking. We occasionally hold pottery classes, write articles and papers, create promotional literature, blogs and websites. Christine also does live graphic illustration at events and conferences.

More of our influences can be seen on the Articles page.