Made From Fife

In 2012 we cre­at­ed a dress­er of 6 plates and beakers made from clays around Fife that have a food con­nec­tion. This Made From Fife link is to the orig­i­nal blog which described our process of mak­ing and discovery.

The draw­ers hold the things we sieved out of enough clay to make one plate.

The MAC Bus

Our Made From Fife dress­er toured dur­ing 2013 and 2014 on MAC, Fife Coun­cil’s mobile muse­um as part of an exhi­bi­tion organ­ised by Fife Con­tem­po­rary Art & Craft and curat­ed by Jonathan Baxter.

The pho­to gallery gives a taster of the process we went through and the con­tent of the orig­i­nal blog.

A photo gallery